Saturday, June 30, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 11

The essence of love is beyond powerful. Love literally does make the world go around. Without love we are simply empty, soul less human beings. Love is inspiring and fuels the spirit effortlessly. Love is light and love is like a good book you can't put down. Love is beautiful and love brings out the best in us. Love brings joy unlike anything else. Love is deeper than words and so impeccably sweet.

Love makes you smile!

Today is Day 11 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and my workout today consisted of 50 squats with two 10 pound dumbbells, 1 minute of mountain climbers, 2 minute of Russian twists with feet partially elevated, 15 push ups, 1 minute of leg flutters, 1 minute of scissors, 1 minute plank, 30 crunches and 20 hip thrusts. (Please consult with your Doctor or Physician before doing any exercises and always stretch the body first!) I also did my entire workout while wearing my Kiwi Rata waist trainer. If you are following my workouts, you can see quicker results if you delete carbs from your diet which is what I haven't done yet, I've only cut down on the amount. I've completed my prayer for today and my scripture for today is 1 Corinthians 13:4-5.

I pray that you all will love without any limits, unconditionally, the way God loves! So as you work on #BecomingaBetteryou I will continue working on #BecomingaBetterme #yougotthis #keepgoing #dontgiveup

Friday, June 29, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 10

As I look into the culprit of things I’ve learned that when you're alone, so many things become clearer. I believe that all things happen for a reason in life and that most often stillness is given to bring forth truth. The world around us can be so full of noise, that we can't see or hear what it is that God is trying to convey. It can seem like crowds of people surround you when your skies are blue but once those skies begin to turn gray, those same crowds fade away. The need to feel love and the need of acceptance thereof, can be overwhelming to the spirit.  The question then becomes, what type of relationships do you surround yourself with the most?

Ultimately, it boils down to this one true fact and that fact is, the one true relationship that is needed the most before ANY other relationship, is one with God. In that same token although we know that a relationship with God is most important, many of us including myself are guilty of pushing God to the side and dealing with God only when we see fit.  The normalcy of our actions and lack thereof to make God a priority is a true indication that all of us have some work to do.

Today is Day 10 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and I worked out at home today. I started my workout with a few stretches and proceeded to follow a 10 minute workout I found on YouTube check it out! After I finished the 10 minute upper body workout, I did 60 squats using two 10 pound dumbbells, 40 leg lifts, 1 minute plank, 1 minute of Russian twist with my feet partially elevated and ended with 50 jumping jacks. Again, you don’t have to follow my workout routine, just make sure you are doing some type of exercise daily for at-least 10 minutes. (Consult with your Doctor or Physician first before doing any exercise.) In addiction to working out, I'm also still drinking the "Flat Tummy Water" and wearing my Kiwi Rata waist trainer during my workouts and sometimes after. My prayer for today has been completed and my scripture reading was Isiah Chapter 14 NKJV and NIV if you need more clarity as I usually do.

Transparent moment…I believe my marriage has suffered...(to be continued)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 9

The power of receiving confirmation in the midst of tribulation is like being told you hit the mega millions! When you have been praying and seeking answers but still feel as though you are blinded by the world's ideology of truth, one must simply ask God to make the answer clear. Often, we stand in our own way because we are flawed human beings who tend to make premature decisions based off feelings rather than God's word. 
Today is Day 9 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and my primary focus today was cardio. I got a good and intense workout today while sporting my new waist trainer by Kiwi Rata. If I must say so myself, I'm in-love with the way the Kiwi Rata waist trainer fits, as well as how it makes me sweat even more in my tummy area. Even without doing any Ab workouts I felt as though that area was targeted! I've also still been drinking the "Flat Tummy Water" I found out about online. My workout today included 30 minutes of cycling, 50 squats with a 10 pound weight as shown in the picture above and 30 side sit ups using the ab machine that is also shown in the picture above. By time the workout was done my legs and thighs were burning, which is a great sign that it is all working! #keepgoing and #dontgiveup because #yougotthis 

My scripture reading for today was Isiah Chapter 5 KJV as well as the NIV. I completed my daily prayer earlier today but I want to take a moment and pray for those of you who are reading this. Father God I pray on today that whomever you saw fit to read todays blog that you will point them into the direction you planned out for them. Father God I ask that in the midst of despair, confusion, trial or tribulation that the person reading this will hear you and you alone. I pray Father God that when they find themselves stuck, trying to figure out if it's you speaking to them, that you will make things clear for them. So clear Father God that they will have no choice but to be obedient to your word. I pray Father God that from that point on after you have made yourself known to them, that you will give them the strength and wisdom to follow you. In Jesus name Amen! Stay bless!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 8

If you can say it, you can control it! I'm not talking about action people but what I am referring to is your tongue. Ever heard the saying "that life and death is in the power of the tongue"? I believe that to be fact, yet in still even I sometimes say things that I shouldn't. One may say, well I was speaking truth and that could in fact be what it was, however, we must learn to find better ways of communicating especially when it comes to dealing with conflict. Even when we are faced with turmoil in our lives and can't figure out which way to go, instead of turning towards negativity, why not give thanks for what is going right?

Body Solid Leg Press/Hack Squat Machine #myfavorite 
Today is Day 8 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and my workout session took place at the gym. I did 2 minutes of the Stair Master at a speed of 6 just to get my adrenaline going, that was followed by 2 minutes of Russian twists, 40 sit ups, 50 crunches, 1 minute of leg flutters, 30 side sit ups (15 for the left side, 15 for right side), 50 squats using two 10 pound dumbbells and then I ended with the Body Solid Machine and did 45 leg press adding 25 pound weights on both ends. My body is feeling a little sore because I went up on my weights but it's a good sore. I have completed my prayer for today and my scripture reading will be 1 John Chapter 1 KJV. May we all learn to speak life over our lives and be a light to anyone who is in our presence, why because you are #BecomingaBetteryou as I am #BecomingaBetterme get others to join the movement and let your light shine! #keepgoing #yougotthis #dontgiveup

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 7

Have you ever felt the need to want to be perfect? Like in my case, I honestly struggle with the need of being the perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect business woman, the perfect friend, etc. As we all know no one is perfect and you will honestly stress yourself out aiming to be. Transparent moment...although I know I'm not perfect, when I fail at something I feel defeated. Often times the pressure I place on myself to be the best in something takes a toll on me.

Today is Day 7 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and I worked out at home today. I completed a 10 minute Ab workout that I found on YouTube check it out! In addition to the 10 minute workout I added 50 squats using two 10 pound dumbbells for added weight. (As with any workout rather you follow me or do your own, please consult with your physician first!)My daily prayer has also been completed and the scripture I read today was Psalm Chapter 3 from NIV. I have no particular way of how I read scripture, I simply just go with where I'm lead. I pray you all continue to go hard in whatever goal you have set for yourself and remember #yougotthis #dontgiveup #keepgoing because if you want better, you must do better! That is the goal in #BecomingaBetteryou as I work on #BecomingaBetterme because change begins with us! Be bless!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 6

Today was an LA Fitness kind of day! Got up bright and early! Ready and willing to take on the day in a positive way. I started my workout with some light cardio, 13 minutes at a speed of 6 on the elliptical, then headed over to the weight area and did 90 leg press/hack squats using the Body Solid weight machine. Immediately after, I did 50 squats using 15 pound dumbbells in both hands. So I worked on the lower body again today while wearing my waist trainer, so that I could burn in my stomach area as well. I also had my "Flat Tummy Water" today, along with a Whey Protein smoothie so that I could start fueling my body with good protein instead of bad, which is great for muscle building. Overall, it was a very successful day in the gym for me and my good friend T! We are both on the journey to #BecomingaBetterme and I encourage you all to join the movement!

I completed my prayer for today but of course I will be in prayer again I'm sure. The scripture I will be reading today will be James Chapter 1 KJV. Remember the movement includes 30 days of working out, 30 days of prayer, 30 days of scripture and 30 days of transparency! My transparent moment today is that sometimes we must do self evaluating. Last night I watched the BET awards and what I loved about it this year, is that it touched on a lot of the issues the world is dealing with today. Issues such as police brutality, shooting massacres, self love, and much more. One performance that stood out to me the most was Meek Mill and Miguel performance of their song "Stay Woke" check it out here! Their performance brought tears to my eyes.....(to be continued)

Image by

Image by

Understand that change starts with us as well, individually speaking. How can we be better as a people? #BecomingaBetteryou as I work on #BecomingaBetterme we can help make the world a better place one step at a time! #keepgoing #yougothis #dontgiveup

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 5

Replenish, fresh and new, are just a few words to describe my exact feelings at this present moment. Didn't start my day feeling that way though. In fact, I felt irritated, upset and angry. Funny how the devil works. Transparent moment for me today is that I work hard at being the best me that I know how to be but sometimes, my mood can alter depending on who is my presence. Which is reassurance that my relationship with God needs work. I say that because NO ONE absolutely NO ONE should ever be able to steal your joy or alter your mood, especially in a way that does not represent Godly behavior. 

Today is Day 5 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and I've prayed quite a few times today and trust me, it was much needed. I also visited Triumph Church today their Eastland Campus and got in a much needed word and was blessed to hear Todd Dulaney sing in the service. I promise it is always good to be in the presence of the Lord and to praise where one or more are gathered. I worked out early this morning and worked primarily on the lower body, following a 10 minute workout video I found on YouTube check it out! In addiction to the 10 minute workout, I also added in 25 right leg lifts, 25 left leg lifts and a 30 second wall sit squat. My scripture for today will be Romans Chapter 12 KJV. Remember despite of anything keep working on #BecomingaBetteryou as I work on #BecomingaBetterme #yougotthis #dontgiveup #keepgoing and tell others to join the movement! Oh yeah, last but not least smile! Smiling is so good for the soul!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 4

If you're like me you probably ask yourself often "when will I win"? You've been putting in the work but still the results are not what you expect. Everyday you push yourself a little harder hoping that this time you will finally get what you want. Can I be transparent with you for a moment? I'm not just talking about your workout plan but.....(to be continued)

Today is Day 4 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and I pray you all are excelling at being a better you! Today I started my day with a cup of my "Flat Tummy Water", got my Marvin Sapp Pandora station going, my yoga mat layed out with my set of 10 pounds dumbbells and hit play on this awesome 10 minute workout video I found on Youtube! Check it out below!

Honestly speaking, those 10 minutes felt like I had just done an hour long workout. I wanted to target my abs today and sweat so of course I had on my waist trainer as I worked out. Once I finished the 10 minute workout I added 50 squats using the dumbbells and 60 leg lifts because as you know I'm trying to keep the little butt I have left lol! I did a prayer befor the workout as well as after. Then doing breakfast I watched a sermon by Pastor Michael Todd titled "Grace For The Faithful", you should check that out as well! The message given in that sermon was beyond refreshing and Pastor Todd teaching is impeccable! In just a few I will be reading Galatians 6 the King James version #dailyscripture. Remember 30 days of prayer, 30 days of working out, 30 days of scripture reading and 30 days of transparency! Join the movement #yougotthis #keepgoing #dontgiveup

Friday, June 22, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 3

Rise and shine! I'm feeling beyond bless on today! The joy I feel is something sure of amazing! Today is day 3 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and today was another missed day at the gym but of course there was no missed workout. I repeated day 2 exercises as well day 2 breakfast. It is Friday and in my house that is family fun day! So I will be getting my little ones out today and enjoying this beautiful day that God has given us. My transparency moment today is dedicated to my baby boy aka Prince Nasir who was born with a heart condition called SVT (Super-ventricular Tachycardia). Nasir had to stay in the hospital after he was born for almost 3 weeks and placed on two different heart medications..... to be continued

Can you say bless? My family and I are too excited because God has been so great to us! Let today be a lesson in knowing that as long as you keep your faith and put in the work the results of your great works will show. On today I repeated Day 2 workouts as well as breakfast  which was 60 jumping jacks, 50 squats with 10 pound dumbbells, 30 second wall sit squat, 1 minute of Russian twists, 50 crunches, 60 second plank, 60 left leg lifts, 60 right leg lifts, 25 reverse left leg lifts and 25 reverse right leg lifts. What I did differently today was implement this "Flat Tummy Water" into my daily regimen as well as a waist trainer. I actually heard about it from an Instagram post and decided to try it. It consist of 6 cups of filtered water, 1 lemon, 1/3 cup of mint leaves, 1 tbsp. of grated ginger and 1 cucumber slice. You have to allow the mixture to set overnight before drinking it. The benefits of "Flat Tummy Water" is that it helps reduces cravings, it hydrates the body, helps clean the digestive tract and prevents bloating. There are some negative side effects as well but nothing serious but still do your own research and as with anything including working out, make sure you consult with your Doctor first. My prayer for today has been completed and the scripture I will be reading is 1 Peter Chapter 1 NIV. Now if you haven't already get Day 3 of #BecomingaBettermechallenge out the way and make sure to pray and read your daily scripture! Until next time remember #yougotthis #dontgiveup #stayfocus


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 2

Reality is I'm not always able to make it to the gym but everyday like clock work I'm up at 5 a.m.
One may say but I have children and they sometimes get in the way. Well I know the feeling all too well. In fact, while my 5 month old was sleeping, my two year old decided to wake up earlier than expected...whelp there goes my workout and much needed me time. Seriously, you can't be kidding me! It should never be that easy to give up. You have a goal right? You want that Teyana Taylor and Beyoncé body right? You want that Michael B. Jordan body right? Well...maybe that's just my way of thinking. Every person body goal may be different and that is fine, for some it may just be a getting healthy goal. After conversing with myself, I decided to just allow my two year old to joined me. As I did my crunches he sat on top of my stomach #weightresistance. When I did my jumping jacks he did his too, I kept him moving which will eventually get him tired lol. I say this all to say, that regardless of the circumstance, don't make excuses!

Today is Day 2 of the #BecomingaBettermeChallenge and I did my daily workout which included 60 jumping jacks, 50 squats with 10 pound dumbbells, 30 second wall sit squat, 1 minute of Russian twists, 50 crunches, 60 second plank, 60 left leg lifts, 60 right leg lifts, 25 reverse left leg lifts and 25 reverse right leg lifts. I did my prayer for today but I'm sure I will be praying again. I also read scriptures today from 2 Kings Chapter 8 NIV. No particular order just asked God to lead me. My transparency moment is that sometimes in life, things don't always go as you plan them to and that can be frustrating. The good in things not going as planned is that you learn to find solutions, therefore you gain perseverance. #stayfocus #don'tgiveup #yougotthis #BecomingaBetterme

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Becoming a Better Me - Day 1

Almost 30 and the body I once had is slowly but surely resurfacing! Well everything except my breast lol! Them bad boys once was perky but now they as flat as a pancake thanks to breastfeeding! What's good for the baby is not always good for you. No but seriously, can't say it has been an easy journey this whole "exercising" thing because what I once loved I pushed away and "exercising" became a thing of my past. Besides, after two children bouncing back becomes a little harder. I often asked myself what I was thinking having two children back to back. Poor body didn't have any time to recoup. Then again, guess it's best that I got having children out the way, so that now when I get my body back on fleek, I won't have to worry about a do over lol!

March 29th, 3 months postpartum is when I begin this workout journey. One step closer to becoming a better me and the time away from the house isn't too bad neither. The picture on the top left represents day one of my journey and the other two are from today. Can you say progress? Still have further to go but being a mom of two, a toddler and 5 month old as well as a Playwright/Writer with a freshly new entertainment business, I must say I'm doing pretty darn good! What are your goals? Are you trying to get yourself together both mentally and physically? If so follow me and stay tune as I take you on my own personal journey to Becoming a Better me! Matter of fact, join me! Lets do 30 days of workout, mixed with 30 days of transparency, 30 days of scriptures and 30 days of prayer! Now claim it in advance that You my Friend are becoming better! #BecomingaBetterme #day1