Thursday, July 19, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 30

What are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Do you know that God has purposed you for greatness? Do you know that you are great despite of anything you may have done? Do you know that your biggest regret will be not doing what it is you have been design to do? Do you believe in you? Do you have faith in yourself? Are you afraid that you will fail?

Here are my answers to the questions asked above. Confirmation. No one. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Sometimes. If most of your answers are yes as mine were, then now is the time for you to trust yourself and MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Right now is the time to give up those excuses you keep making. Right now is the time for you to write the plan or speak it!
July 2019 After Children/Present

June 2014 Before Children
Today is Day 30 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and today is the final day! Yes, you heard right! You have completed the challenge! 30 days of prayer, 30 days of scriptures, 30 days of exercising and 30 days of transparency! My workout today consist of a quick stretch, 30 Push-Ups, 110 Squats using a tube resistance band, 60 Crunches, 25 Trunk Rotations, 25 Standing Bicycle Crunches, 30 second Mountain Climbers, 25 Side Leg Raise Left, 25 Side Leg Raise Right, 25 Bicycle Crunches, 30 second Plank and a 30 second Abdominal Stretch. I'm feeling good and looking better! Exercising is now and will continue to be a part of my routine because every day will bring me closer to reaching the results I yearn to have. I'm already at my goal weight which is 140lbs with the thickness that I like but my aim to get more muscles and some Ab action! My prayer has been done for today and the scripture I will be reading will be Jeremiah Chapter 29 NIV.

Although this challenge has come to end, my prayer is that you continue working on #BecomingaBetteryou because I will continue working on #BecomingaBetterme. Prayer, God's word, working out and being transparent does not have to end today but should continue while on your quest to living purposefully. Let's not waste any more time waiting and hoping things will magically happen but instead let's make it happen with action! #yougotthis #keepgoing #dontgiveup because your journey continues and the only motivation needed is FAITH! Spread the word and get others to #jointhemovement by introducing them to the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and check out this song by NF called "Remember This" for more motivation!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 29

Your body is a fortress and temple, treat it as such. Ever wonder why it's hard to get up in the morning? Ever had to endure aching pains from sore muscles? Ever felt like you couldn't get back up after bending down or sitting too long? Ever get tired from doing something that doesn't require a lot of muscle movement or even from less strenuous activities? Ever pulled a muscle from picking up something that didn't even weight much? Ever found yourself having a lack of energy?

If any of the above is something you struggled with, it may 
be time to...(to be continued)

If you not sweating, you not working!

The Abdominal Machine I Used today

The Hyperextension Machine I used for the Side Sit-Ups
Today is Day 29 for the #BecomingaBettermechallenge, so that means we are just 1 day away from completion! I'm so proud of you all for choosing to be conquers of #BecomingaBetteryou! My workout today took place at the gym and of course I was sporting my waist trainer! My workout included 11 minutes of light cardio on the Elliptical at a speed of 6, 90 Leg Press on the Hack Squat machine with 50lbs of added weights, 30 Side Sit Ups R/L wit 10lbs weight using the Back Hyperextension machine, 20 Crunches using the Abdominal machine, 60 Squats using two 10lbs dumbbells, 30 Push-Ups, 1 minute Russian Twists, 2 minute Scissors, 20 Trunk Rotations, 20 Standing Bicycle Crunches, 30 second Mountain Climbers, 20 Bicycle Crunches, 30 second Plank and 30 second Abdominal Stretch. (Please consult with your Doctor before doing any exercise!) My prayer for today has been done and the scripture I read was 1 Corinthians Chapter 6 KJV. My hope is that we all learn to incorporate some form of exercise into our lives, even if it's by doing little things like choosing to take the stairs instead of elevator or walking instead of driving. There are many great benefits when it comes to working out like getting fit, losing weight, gaining energy, etc. The most important benefit of them all however, is that exercising is the only natural supplement that can aid your body both mentally and physically so #jointhemovement and keep working on #BecomingaBetteryou as I work on #BecomingaBetterme #keepgoing #dontgiveup #yougotthis

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 28

What are your expectations in this life? What do you inspire to gain? Speaking for self my expectations in this life is to live purposefully. I want to show those in my life what true living looks like. I want to be able to do all that God has set out for me to do, nothing less. I want to be able trust mankind openly. I want to be able to bring more disciples to God.

Today is Day 28 for the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and my workout took place at home today. (Please consult with your Doctor before doing any exercises!) My workout today consist of a quick stretch, 20 Push -Ups, 100 squats using resistant tubes, 1 minute of Russian Twist, 20 Sit-Ups, 1 minute of Scissors, 20 Arm Curls using two 10lbs dumbbells, 30 second Flutter Kicks, 30 second Mountain Climbers, 20 Reverse Crunches, 20 Cross Arm Crunches, 20 Bent Leg Twist, 20 Clapping Crunches, 30 second Plank and 30 second Abdominal Stretch. I've also started back drinking the "Flat Tummy Water" and I wear my waist trainer every time I workout. The results that I'm aiming for have not fully arrived as you will see in the video below but my butt is siting up more and I'm starting to gain muscles in my legs, thighs and arms. However, my biggest battle as far as the physical is my stomach, although it's much better than where I was, there is still more muscle toning needed in that area. With patience and continuation I'm certain I will get where I want physically and mentally and I'm certain that you will too!

Happy for Progress!
My prayer today has been completed and the scripture I will be reading is James Chapter 1 NIV.  As you work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme I pray we get others to #jointhemovement as we continue to live this life being the best that we can, knowing that we are loved by God just the way we are so #keepgoing #dontgiveup #yougotthis

Monday, July 16, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 27


Depression as define by Webster dictionary is "a mood disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness and sometimes suicidal tendencies". What many don't know about depression is that it's often hidden, not discussed and masked behind a smile. Depression is common and definitely something no one should be ashamed of. Many times depression is brought on by stress, the need to be perfect, after childbirth, after the death of a love one and sometimes depression has no cause behind it at all.

Today is Day 27 for the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and I thank God for where he is taking me in life. My workout today with primary focus on my core included 25 Push-ups, 80 Squats using a resistant tube, 30 second Flutter Kicks, 20 Standing Bicycle Crunches, 40 seconds of Mountain Climbers, 20 Side Leg Raises left side, 20 Side Leg Raises right side, 20 Bicycle Crunches, 20 Clapping Crunches, 30 second Abdominal Stretch and 25 Sit Ups. My prayer has been done for today and the scripture I read was Psalms Chapter 46 NIV.

 As you work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme I pray that we all try our best to be the light in this world full of darkness and be true reflections of what God's love looks like. You never know how your positivity and beautiful spirit can help someone so #keepgoing #dontgiveup #yougotthis God bless #jointhemovement!

National Suicide Prevention Helpline: 1-800-273-TALK
Postpartum Depression: 1-800-PPD-MOMS
Depression Hotline Support Group: 1-800-826-3632

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 26

Real Love

Real Love
"Real love keeps your heart smiling!"

Nothing makes the heart smile the way that real love does. Love real love, is more than just a feeling but the essence of who you are. To say the words "I love you" means that outside of yourself you have decided to remove the lock placed on your heart to allow another person inside. Love real love brings out the best in you.

Today is Day 26 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and I feel bless and highly favored! My workout today while wearing my waist trainer consisted of a quick stretch, 25 Push-ups, 70 Squats, 2 minute Russian twist, 1 minute Leg Flutters, 25 Bent Leg Twist, 25 Cross Arm Crunches, 25 Bicycle Crunches, 30 second Plank, 30 second Abdominal Stretch, 25 Trunk Rotations, 35 Reverse Crunches and 25 Standing Bicycle Crunches. (Please consult with your Doctor before doing any exercise!) My prayer today was done and I was also able to enjoy praise and worship at Grace Christian Church. My scripture reading for today will be Job Chapter 20 NIV.

As you work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme I pray that we all learn to decipher what real love details and never settle because you deserve the best kind of love in relationships and nothing less. Keep in mind that as long you keep God in the center "real love" will always prosper! #jointhemovement #keepgoing #yougotthis #dontgiveup

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 25

Cycles are said to be "a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order". Are there cycles in your family history that you aim to break? Do you find yourself consistently back in the same type of relationships you work hard to avoid? Do you see yourself repeating past behaviors not understanding fully how you ended up back at step 1? Often in life people as a whole fight hard to do the opposite of what those before have done, especially if our experiences of them were not all good. We tell ourselves after we face turmoil, that we will never again do what we got ourselves in trouble doing. When we make mistakes we vow to never repeat those mistakes. When we have worked in a particular field that we didn't necessarily like we vow to never do that kind of job again. When we've dated particular types of individuals who were blankly not good for us, we vow to never put ourselves in those types of relationships again yet in still we end up back in those same similar relationships.

Today is Day 25 and I feel bless and energize! My workout today took place in the comfort of my own home (please consult with your Doctor before doing any exercises). Today's workout included a quick stretch, Trunk Rotations 20 reps, Standing Bicycle Crunches 15 reps, Reverse Crunches 15 reps, Cross Arm Crunches 20 reps, Bent Leg Twist 18 reps, Clapping Crunches 18 reps, 30 sec Plank, 30 sec Abdominal Stretch, 40 Arm Curls using two 10lbs dumbbells and 70 Squats using two 10lbs dumbbells. My prayer for today has been done and the scripture I have read is Matthews Chapter 12 NIV. Today I encourage you all to re-visit wounds on the inside that are still causing you pain and seek healing. Just as the Jonathan Mcreynolds song Cycles says "the devil he learns from your mistakes, even if you don't, that's how he keeps you in cycles." Check it out here! Therefore, let us resolve hidden issues from within and aim to end those cycles as you work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme #jointhemovement #keepgoing #dontgiveup #yougotthis

Friday, July 13, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 24

A guilty heart leads to a guilty conscious which can lead to a guilty spirit. A guilty heart can feel like a stabbing pain that won't go away. It can also feel like you are suffocating and can't breathe to save your life. 

Image by
Today is Day 24 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and my workout today left me feeling beyond good! My whole body was the target today and LA Fitness was my bestfriend today. (Before doing any exercise please consult with your Doctor!) My workout today accompanied with my waist trainer included 15 minutes on the Elliptical, 40 Abdominal Oblique Crunches, 45 Hack/Squats with added weights of 25lbs on the Body Solid machine, 20 Push-ups, 2 minutes of Russian Twists and 40 Side Sit ups using the Hyperextension machine. I'm also still not eating bread or pasta and will continue to delete them both until the remainder of this challenge. My prayer has been completed for today and my scripture reading for today is Proverbs Chapter 21. If you or anyone you know is filled with guilt about something, I encourage you to cleanse your spirit by repenting first and asking God to help you and show you the way. Believe it or not but God is our only stronghold and just as he has the power to heal the body, he can also change your thoughts as well as your heart for the better. So as you work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme I pray that we all will learn to sin less and pray more! #jointhemovement #yougotthis #keepgoing #dontgiveup

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 23

Victory is within the eyes of the beholder and the one who decides that they will fight until they can't fight anymore. Are you victorious? Do you look at the things in life deemed to defeat you and say "I got this"? Life brings us many obstacles but the way we deal with them says a lot about how strong our faith is. We all know how to praise God when great things are happening but do we praise God doing the bad times as well? You or someone you know may be dealing with a sickness, rather it be mentally or physically. Right now there may be nothing else that can be done, at-least in your eyes. At this very moment you may have decided to throw in the towel and accept what is and not fight it anymore. You're battling with your toughest opponent and all you want is to be victorious...

Today is Day 23 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and my workout was short today. I did 15 minutes of Cycling with my RPM above 95, 60 Squats using two 10lbs dumbbells and 20 Push-ups. (Remember to consult with a Doctor before doing any exercises.) I've also took away bread and pasta to help push things further along and I'm still wearing my waist trainer during each workout. My prayer has been done for today but remember there is no limit for the amount of time you spend with God, the more the better. The scripture I will be reading today is 2 Corinthians Chapter 10 KJV/NIV. I pray that if you are in a battle right now internally or physically that you will continue to pray and fight a little longer. No one knows what the outcome will be but for everything there is a purpose. As you continue to work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme know that God will always be right beside you, helping you to stay lifted. Even when you think God is not near, trust that he always is. So I encouraged you to get others to #jointhemovement and for you to #keepgoing #dontgiveup because #yougotthis

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 22

The good, the bad and the ugly in being honest is that the heart is always involve. Honesty as described by Wikipedia "refers to a facet of moral character and connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc." Being honest is the one thing that many people struggle with. I feel that it is a struggle because no one wants to intentionally hurt someone. It's also a struggle because many of us care a lot about how we are viewed in another person's eyes. Many of us are afraid of the outcomes when it comes to being honest. 

"The worst part about being lied to is knowing you weren't worth the truth."

-Quote by Unknown Source

The irony of it all is that everyone deserves honesty yet it is rarely ever given. Proverbs 12:17 says, an honest witness tells the truth, but a false witness tells lies. So why is it so easy to lie, especially when it comes to the people we claim to love? Yes, being honest can hurt in more ways than some but isn't the saying still true that...(to be continued)

Today is Day 22 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and I repeated most of yesterday's workout with a few additions. My workout today consisted of a quick stretch, 50 Jumping Jacks, 60 Squats using two 10lbs dumbbells, 30 Push-ups, 3 minute Russian Twists with elevated feet, 1 minute Plank, 1 minute Leg Flutters, 1 minute Scissors, 50 Crunches, 50 Reverse Crunches, 30 Arm Curls and 40 R/L Leg Lifts. My prayer for today has been completed and the scripture I will be reading today is Proverbs Chapter 12 NIV. We have all fallen short when it comes to honesty because even the "white lies" as we call them are lies. Or even if we chose to say nothing at all in relations to situations that would call for us to be honest, we are still choosing to with-hold the truth and that is still lying. As you work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme, I pray that we will all developed the strength of honesty because the truth will always set us free from anything holding us bondage such as guilt, shame, hurt and more. #keepgoing #yougotthis #dontgiveup and please continue to spread the word and get others to #jointhemovement God bless!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 21

"Kindness" as defined by Pastor Richard Patterson III is "hearing and then doing what pleases others"(Chapter 1 pg. 2 of "This is the Kindness"). With that being said, to be kind is to simply be selfless. In most cases, one must be willing to set aside their own personal gains and be willing to do what is best for another, even if it doesn't necessarily benefit them. For example, if there is someone in your life that is not necessarily the best person to you, in fact they may be plain out mean, "Kindness" is saying that despite of how you are treated by that person, you will choose to be nice anyway. "Kindness isn't about lowering your standards, it's about being thoughtful enough to look outside yourself and create a new standard, perception and position of kindness."(Chapter 2, pg. 7 of "This is the Kindness")

Monday, July 9, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 20

Death is inevitable, for we all know that someday we will leave this Earth. However, death is something we are never prepared for. Losing a love one can be devastating as well as heartbreaking. We never want to imagine life without someone dear to us. We never want to imagine leaving those that we love behind. Often times death occurs unexpectedly but even when it is expected, the anguish of death is still the same.

Today I did a quick stretch, 5 minutes on the Stair Master, 10 minutes on the Treadmill, 60 squats using two 10lbs dumbbells, three sets of 15 on the squat/hack Body Solid machine with an added 20lbs, two sets of 15 on the Lat Pulldown machine with the pop pin on 75lbs and I ended with 45 on the Shoulder Press machine with the pop pin on 65lbs. My prayer for today has been done and the scripture I will be reading is Revelation Chapter 22 NIV.

My hope for us all is that we seek and know God for ourselves. I pray that anyone reading this who is not saved will turn their lives over to God and allow God to renew you. God is not looking for us to be perfect before giving our lives to him, God wants us just the way we are. We are all flawed, we all make mistakes, we all sin but if you allow God to be your personal savior, then you will forever have peace in knowing that when your time is up, heaven will be awaiting you. As you continue working on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme lets us continue to spread Gods truth and create more disciples. #yougotthis #keepgoing #dontgiveup

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 19

Today is Day 19 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and my workout today included 60 squats with two 10lbs dumbbells, 1 minute leg flutters, 1 minute scissors and 60 crunches followed by a 10 minute workout video I found on YouTube. Check it out! I also wore my waist trainer during the entire workout. Also because we are more than half way done with the challenge, I'm going to take away bread and pasta until the challenge is completed. Getting rid of carbs allows you to see better results sooner because carbs are a key factor to weight gain in the stomach area. Reason why is that bread and pasta contains yeast and as we all know yeast expands, therefore making it harder to break down and exit the body. My prayer for today has been done and my scripture reading for today was Exodus Chapter 6. I want to encourage those of you on this journey with me to #keepgoing #dontgiveup because #yougotthis 

Ever been confronted with your past? Ever been in silent conflict with someone and not know? I...(to be continued)

 #jointhemovement and remember that as you work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme we must stay encouraged and inspired to follow the will of God at all times. God bless!                                                                                                                        

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Becomng a Better me - Day 18

Are you a winner? Have you made up your mind that you are a winner? Do you claim everyday that you are winner? I declare that this will be your winning season! I declare that victory lies within you! I declare that businesses are going to proper! I declare that marriages will be healed and restored! I declared that doors are about to open! I declare that by Gods stripes you are healed! I declare that you are debt free! I declare that you will be an overcomer! I speak nothing but greatness and positivity in our lives because I know that great faith goes a long way. I understand that power lies within the tongue of the beholder therefore, I speak what is good and never what is bad.

Jekalyn Carr "You Will Win" #stayinspired

I can assure, that if you...(to be continued)

God+The Word+Faith+Belief = Winner
Today is Day 18 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and I worked out at home. I did a quick stretch, 60 squats with two 10lb dumbbells, 100 crunches, 20 push-ups, 2 minute Russian twists with partially elevated feet, 2 minute leg flutters, 2 minute scissors and 60 leg lifts! (Please consult with your Doctor before doing any exercises!)  My prayer for today has been done and the scripture I will be reading today is John Chapter 1. Be determined to win at anything in life and as you work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme I pray we all win! #keepgoing #yougotthis #dontgiveup and invite others to #jointhemovement

Friday, July 6, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 17

Reaching milestones and living in I celebrate another milestone in my life, I awake feeling new, refresh, replenish and a bit nervous. In that same token, I awake with a new attitude in knowing that God has given me another year. Another of life, another year of correcting my wrongs, another year at getting something right that I was unable to get right in my past. Yes, I've communicated some of these same things before in the midst of this challenge but I felt it on my heart to push these topics further. As I look at myself in the mirror and I ask myself yet again...where do you wish to be in life? What is it that you want in life and how can you obtain it? No I don't place any demands on myself. No I don't put any pressure on myself. I simply just ask myself...(to be continued)

Today is Day 17 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and I got up at my usual time 5 a.m. and headed to the gym #nodaysoff. I started my workout with a 13 minute warm up on the treadmill at a speed of 5, then I did three sets of 15 on the Leg Prone Curl machine (weights at 60lbs), three sets of 15 on the Hip Abduction machine (weights on 75lbs), 60 squats using two 10lbs dumbbells, 1 minute leg flutters, 1 minute scissors and 1 minute Russian twists with partially elevated feet. My body is looking great with my progress thus far but I still have a way to go before hitting my goal. I didn't wear my waist trainer today because I forgot to but nevertheless my workout was a success! (Before doing any exercises please be sure to consult with your Doctor first!) My prayer for today has been completed and my scripture reading today was Ephesians Chapter 5.

As you all work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme I pray that we all stay inspired to follow Gods will, empowered to live our best lives, driven to reach goals and willing to listen before speaking, so that we may hear God for ourselves. We are almost there guys but have you reach out to get others to #jointhemovement #yougotthis #keepgoing #dontgiveup

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 16

Embracing the beauty of growing older, can for some be a scary thing to do. Although, the truth of the matter is that it is a blessing to get older. Each year God gives us becomes another year we are given to live life with those we love and another year to live in purpose. Milestones are often celebrated the most but if you are someone like me, birthdays are treated like holidays lol! The day we were born was thought of long before we arrived and the purpose on our lives was already known as well by God.

Today is Day 16 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and I've completed my prayer for today. My workout today will be at home again and I will be focusing on my arms and core following a video found on YouTube, check it out here! I will also per usual, add in 60 squats with two 10 pound dumbbells. (Always consult with your Physician first before doing any exercise!) Of course while working out I will be wearing my waist trainer. My scripture reading for today was Philippians Chapter 1 NIV. My prayer for us all is that we may live life and live it abundantly! It's great to be goal oriented and one who pushes to make things happen because faith without works is dead but we should never feel like there is time limit on the purpose God has given. I want to encourage anyone who is reading this to #keepgoing #dontgiveup on whatever it is that God has placed within you because #yougotthis and you are never too old or too young to pursue purpose! As you work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme I pray that with each milestone we embrace the time God gives us and learn to not take a single moment for-granted. God bless!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 15

"Malice is the intent and desire to do evil, ill will." Are you battling demons from within? Demons such as jealousy, envy, anger, fear, lack of trust, feelings of lust or bitterness. The thoughts of the mind is the culprit to many internal demons that we face. Did you know that even when you don't necessarily act on something, that the thought of sin is just as bad and that you are still sinning with just the thought? Ever get caught up in a sinful thought that was hard to erase mentally out of your mind? Ever felt a certain type of way towards a person on the inside but smiled on the outside, as if all was ok? Ever witness the success of someone else and wondered in your mind, why it wasn't you? Ever been married or in a relationship and someone else other than your significant other catches your eye...(to be continued)

Today is Day 15 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge have you gotten others to #jointhemovement? My prayer for today has been completed and my scripture reading for today will be Romans Chapter 5 NIV. I will be doing my workout outside in my backyard because fresh air is great for the soul. My workout today will be rather quick, 60 squats with two 10 pound dumbbells, 20 push-ups, 2 minute Russian twists with partially elevated feet, 1 minute leg flutters, 1 minute scissors and 30 crunches. (Remember to always include a quick stretch before working out and to consult with your physician first!) Beautiful people do you know we are half way done with the #BecomingaBettermechallenge? 30 days of prayer, 30 days of scripture, 30 days of working out and 30 days of being transparent. My prayer for all of us is that God gives us the strength to continue fighting the many demons we are faced with everyday and the wisdom to make Gods voice the only one we listen to. Let us allow God to use us as you work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme  because just like the Casey J song "Journal" (Check out the song here!) I want us all to breathe the life of Gods word within us #yougotthis #dontgiveup #keepgoing

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 14

Picture By

Broken wires create lost connections which cause signals to fade in and out. Almost reminds me of relationships among people. Ever wondered how a relationship between two people can start off being so sweet, then years later become so stale. Like, we were just besties yesterday but today you have become a distant stranger. The truth of the matter is that as the days come and go, so does your friends/significant others.

Today is Day 14 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge #jointhemovement! I have done my prayer for today as well as workout. My workout today consisted of a quick stretch, 60 squats with two 10 pound dumbbells, 20 push ups, 1 minute leg flutters, 1 minute scissors, 1 minute of Russian twists with elevated feet and a 10 minute upper body workout I found on YouTube check it out! (Please consult with your Doctor before doing any exercise.) I worked on the full body today but added more upper body. My scripture reading for today will be 1 Peter Chapter 5 NIV. Sometimes we often place too much pressure on ourselves with maintaining certain connections in life, when God could be doing us a favor and cleaning out house. When God places us in our purpose, the people around will be the ones who is meant to be around and a part of our success....

Monday, July 2, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 13

What are you afraid of? Why do you keep allowing life to get the best of you? How many times are you going to allow others to dictate who you should be? It's time for you to live your best life with no more excuses. None of us are promised tomorrow so we must do what we can to make everyday count.

Yes, you may have fallen but it's ok, get back up and try it again. If you have prayed and asked God to show you what it is you are to be doing and God has revealed your calling to you, then you must be obedient. Just like the Donna Summer song "Stamp Your Feet" "we have to stand and fight and keep our eyes on the prize and not get caught up in strife." Check the song out here! Transparent moment...I used to care strongly about...(to be continued)

Today is Day 13 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and I worked out at home today. My workout today was for the whole body. (Remember to consult with your Doctor before doing any workouts). I did a quick stretch, 60 squats with two 10 pound dumbbells, 60 crunches, 50 side lying leg lifts, 50  regular leg lifts, 30 push ups, 1 minute of Russian twist with partially elevated feet, 1 minute of leg flutters, 1 minute of scissors and a 1 minute wall sit squat with one 10 pound dumbbell. Keep in mind that I'm still drinking the "Flat Tummy Water" and wearing my waist trainer. I've also completed my prayer for today and read Isaiah Chapter 41 for my scripture reading. Know that God wants nothing but the best for us but we must also see ourselves in the same light that God does. If you have a purpose, start setting goals for yourself, so that the purpose on your life can be obtained. Remember as you work on #BecomingaBetteryou and I work on #BecomingaBetterme that #yougotthis so #keepgoing and #dontgiveup and push others to #jointhemovement

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Becoming a Better me - Day 12

Staying faithful to the word of God in the midst of despair can be challenging. Often when the pressure is on, it can become unbearable and stressful. We often wonder what we did wrong, when things seem to be getting out of hand. At the times that we should be praying, we chose to worry. When it seems as though we are not deserving of Gods love due to the turmoil in our lives, we shy away from the house of the Lord because we feel unworthy of his love. Do you know that even the bad things are working together for our good? Do you know that the closer you get to your purpose, the more the devil tries to deter you?

Today is Day 12 of the #BecomingaBettermechallenge and my workout today included a quick stretch, 60 squats with two 10 pound dumbbells, 35 push ups, 1 minute plank, 2 minute Russian twists, 50 crunches, 1 minute leg flutters, 1 minute scissors, 40 leg lifts, 50 side lying leg lifts and a minute wall sit squat. (Consult with your Doctor before doing any workout.) I completed my prayer for today and also worshipped at Triumph Church today. My scripture for today will be Isiah chapter 6. Stay inspired loves as you continue #BecomingaBetteryou and I will continue to keep faith in myself and all of you as I continue #BecomingaBetterme because we are in it to win it! #jointhemovement